Whilst sat in front of the tv I made a couple of mini armatures with wire, tinfoil and masking tape.
I wanted him to sit on top of a ball so I bound him in pieces from an old dress and wrapped t-shirt yarn round a polystyrene ball. The easiest way to do this is also cover the ball in powertex. Not a very good photo I know, but they were drying.
Here is the following day and he is totally dry. As you can see I bent him into shape on purpose so he would dry like this.
And the ball is completely dry now too and you can see that the t-shirt yarn stayed in place too.
I painted the ball in various colours of paint until I was happy with the end result, but basically it went, light blue, grey and then a stone colour dry brushed over the top.
You can see the different colours a bit better here and as you can also see, it's very easy to cover the powertex with paint.
I was very lucky in a way as I was just positioning him on the ball to see if he required any additional bending and the doorbell rang. When I went back to him, he had stuck to the wet paint and become a permanent fixture! I then made him a little book with a denim cover and a stand so the ball wouldn't roll away.
Having used the Powertex again, this is definitely my go to product.
PaperArtsy have a theme of liquid sculpting medium.
Another photo, this time taken in the lovely sunshine.