Helen and Lin waiting for Emma whilst she chose the topper for her Christmas cake from one of the food stalls on the St Nicholas Christmas Market in York today.
Helen and Emma at the same stall.
Then they found some bling, bling on another of the stalls.

The sun then graced us with it's presence (photo taken by Helen).
Tracey, Emma, Lin & Sam after a bit of shopping - Helen is behind the camera as this is one of her photos. See her blog here for some gorgeous photos of the buildings around York.
We then hat a hat trying on session in BHS. Helen, Emma & Lin all had trilby's and Tracey wanted a hat with a big pom-pom.
I already had a hat so I tried on some furry friends ear muffs.
And this was tucked away in some alley which we went down to get to an indoor Xmas Market. Again, it's one Helen took.
Then we went back to the outdoor market after it got dark and it was all lit up.
And the food part. We got some mulled wine which was gorgeous.
Thanks Emma, Lin & Helen for a lovely day.