Sue picked up 3 of these door hangers from Sainsbury's for a bargain price of 99p each. She challenged myself and Polly to alter it This is what I did with mine.
I cut the wire at the top, took the beads and the bird off. Then I sanded the heart down and gave it a coat of gesso but you could still see the letters pertruding through, so instead I cut a piece of canvas and stuck it on. I then cut a heart from a page of text out of a book and stuck that directly on top. I then stuck sellotape in various places and pulled parts of the printed page off revealing the canvas underneath. I then mixed yellow and red acrylic paint and painted over the whole thing. When dry I gave the piece a coat of mod podge and transferred the image to the heart. When dry I smeared vaseline over the image and in a few other areas to act as a resit. I then covered the whole piece with white acrylic paint, when dry I wiped it over with kitchen roll and where the vaseline had been applied, the paint just wiped off revealing the underneath. I added the round letters D R E A M, a piece of wire, a skeleton leaf, a flower, a rusty nail and a metal word - dream and 2 brads. I put a row of spiced marmalade distressed stickle blobs around the top right of the heart and I coloured the 3 original beads with copper paint and fed wire through them. I painted the bird and used distressed stickles to hi-light the wings and eye. I used a different piece of wire to hang the bird from as I tried to change the colour of the original white piece but to no avail!!!
It actually looks better in the flesh, I couldn't get the light right when taking the photos and I tried at all different times!!!!