This is a flat canvas measuring 10" x 8" just to give you some idea of size. I put a good thick layer of texture paste around all the edges. I added about 6 pieces of text book pages with mod podge, but didn't like it so I painted the whole canvas in silver acrylic dabber and added black to the edges. I added gold and bronze to break up the solid black. I then decided that the middle was too silver so I added some gold, pearl and bronze. I didn't like that either so I covered it with tan eco-friendly paint, but used an old credit card to scrape it over. Once this had dried I stamped various images with black stazon.

The heart shape is made from pearl, gold and bronze polymer clay. Once I'd got the shape I more or less wanted I started adding bits and pieces to it. Screws to each side, smaller screw heads to the top left, a cog from a watch top, an open safety pin, a cog, brads, chain and pin linked togehter, a button and an 's' shape at the bottom. Once I'd pushed them into the clay I used my TSS tools to make the dots and dashes marks. The gold colour hoop at the top is a curtain ring with copper wire wrapped round it. I baked it all in the mini oven.
Once cooled, I put the two pieces together and added a few more cogs and wires to the canvas.